Chat Configuration

The administrator has to configure the following settings for the chat feature to work.

Global Constant - In the Configuration module, under Global Constants, set the ChatEnabled field as True.

User role - To make the chat icon available for a user, the administrator should enable chat for the user role.

To enable the chat feature for a user role:

a. Log in to Service Manager with the Administrator user role.
b. From the Configuration console, select Configure > Roles and Permissions.
c. Select the role for which you want to enable the chat feature.
d. Ensure the Overwrite default branding options with the options listed below check box is selected.
e. Select the Enable Chat as Analyst check box.

If you select the Overwrite default branding options with the options listed below check box, all check boxes under Branding Options will be disabled. Ensure to select them as needed.

Chat requests to the Service Desk team get routed using the Round Robin algorithm based on the Service Desk Analyst's login state.

Configuring Chat

The chat configuration settings are pre-defined, however, you can change the settings as need be.

Session Configuration Settings:

Concurrent Chat Sessions per Analyst: Number of chat requests that can be assigned to the Service Desk Analyst at a time.

View User Chat History for last Created Incident(s): Number of previous chat sessions' history that should be stored. History is stored only when an Incident is created in the chat session.

First Inactivity Timeout: Timeout limit when a first warning message is sent to the Self Service Mobile user when inactive on a chat session.

Second Inactivity Timeout: Timeout limit when a second warning message is sent to the Self Service Mobile user when inactive on a chat session.

Session Expiration Timeout: Timeout limit when the Self Service Mobile user is logged out when inactive on a chat session.

Analyst Session Timeout: Timeout limit when a Service Desk Analyst's status is turned Offline when no chat session is assigned.

User Timeout: Timeout limit when a Self Service Mobile user is logged off from a chat session when unable to assign the chat session with the Service Desk Analyst.


Online Message Header: Header displayed to the Self Service Mobile user when the Service Desk Analyst staff is online and ready to pick up chat sessions.

Offline Header: Header displayed to the Self Service Mobile when the Service Desk Analyst is offline and not available to pick up chat sessions.

Hop Header: Header displayed to the Self Service Mobile when the Service Desk Analyst staff is offline during non-hours-of-operation.

Join Header: Header displayed to the to the Self Service Mobile when a Service Desk Analyst joins the chat session.

Fail Join Header: Header text displayed to the to the Self Service Mobile when unable to assign a Service Desk Analyst to the chat session.

Knowledge Message: Link to knowledge base displayed to the Self Service Mobile user when unable to assign a Service Desk Analyst to the chat session.

Warning Header: First warning header displayed to the Self Service Mobile user when inactive on the chat for the set time.

Second Warning Header: Second warning header displayed to the Self Service Mobile user when inactive on the chat for the set time.

Typing: Typing indicator displayed in the chat window text box.

Send Message Place Holder: Message displayed in the chat window text box.

Incident Created text: Message displayed in the chat window when an incident is created from the chat session.

User Disconnected: Message displayed to the Service Desk Analyst and the Self Service Mobile user when the chat session gets disconnected.

Online Message: Message displayed to the Self Service Mobile user when the Service Desk Analyst staff is online.

Offline Message: Message displayed to the Self Service Mobile user when the Service Desk Analyst staff is offline during hours-of-operation.

Hop Message: Message displayed to the Self Service Mobile user when the Service Desk Analyst staff is offline during non-hours-of-operation.

Joining Message: Message to the Self Service Mobile user when trying to assign a Service Desk Analyst to the chat session.

Join Message: Message displayed to the Self Service Mobile user when a Service Desk Analyst joins the chat session.

Fail Join Message: Message to the Self Service Mobile user when unable to assign a Service Desk Analyst to the chat session.

Knowledge Button: Second line of the knowledge base link message when unable to patch a Service Desk Analyst to the chat session.

First Warning text: First warning message displayed to the Self Service Mobile user when inactive on the chat for the set time.

Second Warning Text: Second warning message displayed to the Self Service Mobile user when inactive on the chat for the set time.

Expired Warning Text: Message displayed to the Self Service Mobile user just before logging off the chat session when the user is inactive on the chat for the set time.

Session Expired Text: Message displayed to the Self Service Mobile user after logging off the chat session when the user was inactive on the chat for the set time.

User Wait Expired Text: Message displayed to the Self Service Mobile user when unable to assign a Service Desk Analyst to the chat session.

When you make changes to the Chat Configuration, it is recommended that you clear cache for the changes to be effective. To do it, open the Configuration console > Cache Management > Reset Chat Objects.

Create Incident Quick Action

Service Desk Analyst can create an Incident from the chat session which is based on the Create Incident Quick Action added to the ivnt_Chat Business Object. This Quick Action can be customized as needed.

Customizing the Create Incident Quick Action

1.Log in to Service Manager with the Administrator user role.

2.Open the Configuration console.

3.Under Build, click Business Objects > search and open ivnt_Chat Business Object.

4.Click Create Incident.

5.Edit the data as needed and click Save.